
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Naming Conventions of Controls

Naming Conventions of Controls

Control Prefix Example

Label lbl lblSurname

TextBox txt txtSurname

DataGrid dg dgResults

Button btn btnSave

ImageButton ibtn ibtnSave

Hyperlink lnk lnkHomePage

DropDownList ddl ddlCompany

ListBox lst lstCompany

DataList dlst dlstAddress

Repeater rep repSection

Checkbox chk chkMailList

CheckBoxList chk chkAddress

RadioButton rdo rdoSex

RadioButtonList rdo rdoAgeGroup

Image img imgLogo

Panel pan panSection

PlaceHolder plh plhHeader

Calender cal calMyDate

Adrotator adr adrBanner

Table tbl tblResults

[All] Validators val valCreditCardNumber

ValidationSummary vals valsErrors

Use Of Property

Whenever assigning some value to the variable use PROPERTY for that purpose.

For e.g.

String name = TextBox1.Text;

In this case we can use…

Private string mName;

Public string Name


get{return mName;}




Through this we can ensure proper security. And even we can put some validations in the property.


Try to always use interface. So that it could be easy to write and understand codes for others… for example. To use code where select statement is used.. try to put that code in block like GetValues();

And the code where insert or update statement or proc is used… try to put that code in block like SetValues();

It would be much easier to look at code then.

Assigning values in SQL Statements

We always use select statement like…

Select * from employees where empname = ‘”TextBox1.Text”’ and password =’”TextBox2.Text”’;

This kind of statement can lead to SQL injection… to avoid such things use parameters

Select * from employees where empname=@empname and password=@password;

And again there in one more flaws in the above statement. Never use * in select statement. Always specify column name.

Select empname, password from employees where empname=@empname and password=@password;

Hey Guys, I think that this will be helpful to u all. Rest as and when I will come to know… then I will post it.